Nursing Memories

You are in charge of the reception of a nursing home.

Sometimes the people that live here lose things.

Sometimes, when someone leaves, an object is left behind.

The important thing in common is, every item in that drawer...

Has a memory within it.

Enjoy discovering the stories of these four unique characters based on real-life experiences.

PS: The paper on the desk is important.

Click here to listen to the original soundtrack!

(This game was made in 3 days as an entry for the GlobalGameJam 2021)


Elias Herbsommer - Game Designer

Rodrigo Díaz Figueroa - Programmer

Benjamin Guerra - Programmer

Patricio Druetta - Composer and Sound Designer

Sofía Laya Siwicicki - Artist

Wendy Muldon - Artist

All the beautiful people that inspired us and all the people that(I Hope!) enjoyed our game!

Género: Puzzle

Plataformas: Web / Windows / Linux

Engine: Godot

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